Summer BBQ Pet Care Advice from Jamie

June 7, 2024

Ah, the sizzle of sausages, the aroma of burgers on the grill… there is nothing quite like a summer barbecue with friends and family. But while we humans may be drooling over the delicious delights cooking up, let us not forget about our furry companions who are eager to join in on the fun. To ensure a paw-some barbecue experience for everyone, here are some top tips from our Vet, Jamie Cole at The Hampshire Vet, to keep your pets safe and happy around the grill.

Just in case you need it, here is the emergency number for our vets in Basingstoke – 01256 639707.

See our contact and emergency information

How to Grill & Chill this Summer

If you know your pets will be into everything, it may be wise to keep them indoors, but if your pets can handle your ‘BBQ rules’, here’s Jamie’s tips for how to Grill & Chill:

  1. Create a ‘Safe Zone’: First things first, Jamie recommends establishing a designated ‘pet zone’ away from the grill and cooking area. Set up a shady spot with water bowls and comfy bedding where pets can stay cool while you flip the burgers. Portable pet pens are handy for this.
  2. Keep an Eye on Pets: Naturally, the sight & smell of food cooking on the grill will tempt pets to investigate. To prevent them from getting too close to the grill or attempting to steal barbecue food, keep a close eye on them or put someone on ‘grill guard duty’ to steer roaming pets away to safety.
  3. Beware of Hot Surfaces: Grills can reach scorching temperatures that pose a burn risk to curious noses and paws, long after cooking has finished. Jamie suggests using a grill cover or barrier to prevent pets from accessing the grill area altogether to avoid accidental burns, and have a plan for hot ash afterwards.
  4. Pet-safe Barbecue Foods: While it’s tempting to share your barbecue feast with your furry pals, not all barbecue foods are safe for pets. Avoid giving them toxic or harmful foods like onions, garlic, grapes, chocolate, chicken bones, corn on the cob, and foods high in salt, spices, fatty juices, or sugar. Stick to pet-safe treats like plain grilled chicken or lean meat without seasoning. Consider grilling apple, mango, or cucumber for a tasty BBQ treat, if your pet can eat them.
  5. Watch Out for Falling Food: Accidents happen, and tasty treats may accidentally fall onto the ground. Picking up dropped food instantly will prevent pets from eating it; some items may pose a choking hazard or cause gastrointestinal upset.
  6. Keep Your Pets Hydrated: Provide plenty of water during the barbecue festivities for pets to drink. If they seem unwell, call our vets in Basingstoke on 01256 639707.
  7. Have a Plan for Leftovers: Clearing up thoroughly straight after a BBQ is vital when you have pets. Disposing of barbecue leftovers and scraps promptly and securely will prevent dogs and cats from scavenging through the rubbish. Leftover bones, skewers, and other barbecue remnants can pose choking or gastrointestinal hazards if ingested by pets.

With these tips in mind, you and your furry friends can enjoy a safe and enjoyable barbecue season together in Hampshire. Plus, you’ll be helping to keep wildlife safe too, so, fire up the grill, gather your friends and family, and let the summer celebrations begin!

And remember, call 01256 639707 in an emergency.

See our contact and emergency information

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